广交会简介Introduction of Canton Fair
广交会创办于1957年,由商务部和广东省人民政府联合主办,中国对外贸易中心承办。是中国目前历史 长、规模 大、商品种类 全、到会采购商最多且分布国别地区 广、成交效果 好、信誉 佳的综合性国际贸易盛
会。Canton Fair was Established in 1957 and co-hosted by the Ministry ofCommerce of PRC and the People's Government of Guangdong Province andorganized by China Foreign Trade Centre.Canton Fair is a comprehensive international trading event with thelongest history, the largest scale, the most complete exhibit variety, thelargest buyer attendance, the broadest distribution of buyers' source countryand the greatest business turn over in China.
Since the 101st session, International Pavilion was set up for the purposeof promoting the import and export balance, as well as helping internationalcompanies explore global commercial opportunities. With the development of33 sessions. International Pavilion has attracted more than 15.000 overseasexhibitors from over 100 countries and regions,including many outstandingcountry & regions delegations and world-known companies
新建成的广交会展馆D区投入使用,为广交会进口展服务全球,推动更多国家的优质产品进入中国市场,共享中国开放发展机遇创造了更好条件Now Canton Fair has the largest exhibition complex in the world. whiclwill provide more chances for International Pavilion to make global servicingso as to promote more overseas exhibitors entering China market and enjoy theopportunities of China's opening-up and devclopment
展览时间:Exhibition Time
春季展Spring Session
一期 Phase1:4月15-19日 April,15-19
二期Phase2:4月23-27日 April,23-27
三期 Phase3:5月01-05日 May,01-05
秋季展Autumn Session
一期 Phasc 1:10月15-19日 October,15-19
二期Phasc 2:10月23-27日 October.23-27
三期Phasc3:10月31日-11月4日 ctober.31-November4
参展展品:Exhibition Categories
Electronics & Household Electrical: Consumer Electronics andInformation Products; Household Electrical Appliances: LightingEquipment; Electronic and Electrical Products
工业制造:通用机械及机械基础件;动力、电力设备;加工机械设备;工程机械;农业机械Industrial Manufacturing: Construction Machinery; PowerMachinery and Electric Power; General Machinery and MechanicalBasic Parts; Agricultural Machinery; Processing Machinery Equipment
五金工具:五金;工具Hardware & Tools: Hardware; Tools
第二期Phase 2
家庭用品:日用陶瓷;家居用品;餐厨用具;编织及藤铁工艺品Household Items & Consumer Goods: General CeramicsHousehold Items: Kitchenware & Tableware: Weaving, Rattan and IronProducts
礼品及装饰品:家居装饰品:节日用品:礼品及赠品:玻璃工艺品;工艺陶瓷;钟表眼镜;园林用品Gifts & Decorations: Home Decorations; Festival Products;Giftsand Premiums: Glass Artware: Art Ceramics: Clocks,Watches &Optical Instruments; Gardening Products
建材及家具:建筑及装饰材料;卫浴设备;家具Building Materials & Furniture: Building and DecorativeMaterials;Sanitary and Bathroom Equipment; Furniture
第三期Phase 3
Fashion Life: Home Textiles: Textile Raw Materials & Fabrics:Carpets & Tapestries; Furs,Leather, Downs & Related Products:Fashion Accessories and Fittings; Underwear; Men and Women'sClothes : Sports and Casual Wear
健康休闲:食品;体育及旅游休闲用品;箱包;医药保健品及第三期医疗器械;宠物用品;浴室用品;个人护理用具;办公文具Phase 3Health & Recreation: Food; Sports. Travel And RecreatiorProducts; Cases and Bags; Medicines,Health Products and MedicalDevices; Pet Products & Food; Toiletries; Personal Care Products;Office Supplies
孕婴童及玩具:玩具;童装,孕婴童用品Baby Products & Toys: Toys; Kids Wear; Maternity, Baby andChildren Products
联系我们 / Contact Us
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For the more detailed information aboutapplication, kindly contact with the Official Agency Huiyuan Int'1 Exhibition Co.. Ltd
陈经理: 18259122697
邮 箱:1463839392@qq.com